Learn to swim

Free Resource
Float First
Would you know what to do if you fell into the ocean, a river, or lake? What would you do if strong currents took you out to sea?
Knowing how to respond in the first 60-90 seconds can be the difference between life and death. In an emergency even the strongest swimmers can be affected.
Floating as your first response will increase your chances of staying alive.

Paid, All Ages
Auckland Council
Learn to Swim
Learn to Swim
With so many beaches and pools in Auckland, being able to swim is an essential safety skill for adults and children. Learn at 9 council-owned pools & leisure centres around Auckland.
Learn To Boat

Free Resource
Safer Boating
Nearly half of all Kiwis head out boating each year. Get expert advice on preparing your boat, checking your gear and understanding the rules of the water. Know the ways of water before you launch by reading the 5 ways to be safe on water.

Free & Paid
Coastguard NZ Boating Education
Coastguard Boating Education is the leading provider of boating courses throughout New Zealand, offering courses to suit all abilities, types of boating and training pathways including a free online introductory short course designed for people who are new to boating.
Learn To Sail

Paid, All Ages
Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron Sailing School
The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS) has a strong commitment to training and launched its Youth Training Programme in 1987. As a result it has seen a generation of yachting dominated by Kiwi sailors. In 2015 the RNZYS launched its first adult beginner level 1 programme to establish a training ground for members, and to introduce people of all ages to sailing. Also on offer are junior & ladies only programmes.

Paid, All Ages
Find your nearest sailing club
You can find courses in your area including learning to sail in dinghies (for adults and children), learning to sail a keelboat and courses that are inclusive of people with disabilities.