Screen Auckland has moved to FilmApp, a simple film permitting platform that enables efficient applications and effective storage of shoot documents in a virtual workspace.
You can now apply for your next film permit using FilmApp! Register here and start applying!
Once your production details are confirmed, you can apply for a film permit.
You can apply for a permit to film in Auckland public places such as footpaths, roads, parks, beaches and other public facilities. Before you apply for a film permit, please familiarise yourself with the Auckland Film Protocol, ensure you have read the terms and conditions and have all the required application details and supporting documents ready to include in your application:
Application details:
- Filming dates (including contingency dates)
- Location/s name and address
- Location access requirements
- Production details (production company and production type)
- Shoot information - including equipment and personnel
- Technical vehicles and parking requirements
Supporting documents:
- Detailed sitemap/s
- Site-specific Health & Safety Risk Assessment (and general crew safety notes)
- Health & Safety Plan
- Public Liability Insurance – Certificate of Currency
- Letterbox drop draft and/or Consultation Survey (if applicable)
- Traffic Management Plan (if applicable)
- SPFX methodology (if applicable)
- Drone operator certification and aviation insurance (if applicable)
- Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua (if applicable)
Please use this handy film application pre-submission checklist to help you prepare your application.
Screen Auckland requires a minimum of three – five full working days for processing and consultation from the date we receive a completed application. However, the time it takes to approve a permit will depend on the scale of your production.
Please note that some public spaces will require additional consultation which may extend the timeframe of the permit being issued. Examples include parks situated over closed landfills, regional parks, or the tūpuna maunga (Auckland's volcanic cones) or filming with a TMP in Auckland CBD.
For larger shoots that involve road closures or changes to usual public parking, please allow at least 20 working days for your permit to be issued as public notification will be necessary.
To reserve parking spaces for technical vehicles associated with your film shoot, you must apply for a parking permit. These permits are issued specifically for essential film equipment vehicles and are not intended for crew vehicle use.
Please note: To reserve parking spaces for technical vehicles associated with filming in the Auckland region you must first agree to and sign the Screen Auckland Reserved Parking Traffic Management Plan and submit it to Screen Auckland. This is a ‘one off’ requirement which is valid for all parking permit applications.
Permit fees are assessed on a case-by-case basis. If your project is not-for-profit, for charity, or part of a community based project, please contact us to discuss.
When filming on private property, you should consult with surrounding businesses and residents prior to your shoot to make sure you do not affect day to day activities in the area.
The location, size and impact of activities planned for your production will determine the total permit fee. Please refer to pages 14 & 15 of the 2019 Auckland Film Protocol for a general indication. Additional fees should be expected when filming in regional parks (where ranger monitoring may be required). Please also note that the Tupuna Maunga o Tamaki Makaurau Authority has its own fee structure for filming on tupuna maunga.
Filming can impact the day to day activities of businesses and residents and because public open space is for everyone, we need to ensure that you have properly informed those who may be affected. It is in the interests of all parties that businesses and residents are treated with respect in order to ensure that filming in public spaces is sustainable for future shoots.
As a minimum requirement, production companies should deliver a flyer to each residence or business in the affected area. The flyer should be approved by a Screen Auckland Film Facilitator prior to its distribution.
Medium impact film shoots must give affected residents at least 48 hours’ notice and businesses at least two working days.
High and major impact film shoots must give affected residents at least 48 hours’ notice, unless access to their properties will be affected in which case 5 days is required. Affected businesses require 5 working days’ notice and their feedback must be sought.
Road closures –There is a legislative process that needs to be followed for a road closure which involves two public notices, in printed news media to inform the public about the road closure. This needs to be actioned at least 12 working days before the proposed date of the road closure, and the production company isare responsible for notifying affected businesses and residents at this time also. Longer lead times are recommended for traditionally busy periods such as Easter, Anzac Day and Christmas.
In City centre retail areas – Face to face consultation with businesses is required for medium to major impact filming in cCity centre retail areas. This must be carried out at least 5 working days prior to the filming activity and involve delivering flyers to the business in person, recording the name of individuals and businesses consulted with, and recording their initial feedback. Productions are requested to incorporate feedback from businesses wherever possible, and supply this to Screen Auckland.
GeoMaps is a geo-spatial map of Auckland, clearly showing the region and its northern and southern boundaries. It is a useful resource for location managers both as another source for aerial images as bases for creating site maps, and to gain extra site-specific information.
Useful layers to add for location feasibility include:
- Regional Parks, park asset: these layers allow you to see local and Regional Park boundaries, fixture facilities and furniture in the parks and along streets - eg buildings, sealed surfaces and hard stands, sports field markings, tracks and types of landscape.
- Cultural Heritage Inventory: these sites can include archaeological sites, heritage structures, and botanical specimens.
- Tangata Whenua: shows marae, iwi rohe, and tūpuna maunga areas.
Guides to GeoMaps can be found here.
Login and use the MyWorksites planning map tool for early feasibility and planning and to enable contact with neighbouring work sites whose approval or cooperation is needed for filming. Please note that using this site does not replace the need to conduct site visits or local consultation. Required permitting processes and timeframes apply. A handy guide for using the site can be found here.
Auckland Transport also provides information on roadworks happening around Auckland on its website.
Sign up to the following newsletters for regular information and updates on community and major projects:
Filming at any of the train or bus stations around Auckland (and of/on actual trains and buses) requires an application to QMS Media which manages these assets on behalf of Auckland Transport.
Please note that QMS requires a minimum 10 working days to process an application for any of its managed sites.
You can contact Catherine Roxborough at QMS Media:
Office: +64 9 360 2327