Date Te rā me te wā
25 Jan - 02 Feb, 2025
Location Te wāhi
Wētā Workshop Unleashed -
More info He pārongo atu anō
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位于奥克兰SkyCity的维塔工作室体验之旅:Unleashed,是一场为期90分钟的电影制作之旅。您将探索互动和沉浸式的虚拟电影布景, 一个充满恐怖、奇幻和科幻的世界。我们的中文导览员将在特定时段为您提供专业的讲解服务。
Wētā Workshop Unleashed is a fantasy land full of imagination and whimsy. It was created by the Oscar-winning company Wētā Workshop of New Zealand to bring you an immersive movie special effects experience suitable for all ages.
Our staff will lead you to experience three movies with complete plots and original concepts: a thrilling thriller, a magical epic and a brain-burning suspense science fiction film. All of this is completely original by Weta Studio: from creating scripts, making storyboards, building world views to completing designs. Come with us into a world of imagination and explore the behind-the-scenes magic of filmmaking.
This is the ultimate stage for creativity. There are fascinating spectacles, bizarre exhibits, and unexpected adventures; there are monster residents, surreal giants, even robots and aliens. An otherworldly light show and carnival of creations will complete the experience, then bring your unbridled imagination back to reality! But who says we have to return to reality?
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
If you're driving, you can park at SkyCity Main Site Car Park.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
Book the last tour of the day for a quieter time.