Date Te rā me te wā
5 Aug, 7pm
Location Te wāhi
Eden Park -
More info He pārongo atu anō
Visit website
The FIFA Women's World Cup™ is the biggest women's sporting event in the world and will be hosted by New Zealand and Australia from 20th July - 20th August 2023.
This is the ninth Women's World Cup in history and will be the biggest yet with 32 teams competing across 64 games, 9 of which are played in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland’s Eden Park.
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
Please allow yourself enough time to get to Eden Park and remember that Parking Restrictions apply around the surrounding streets. Standard fees apply for travel on public transport. To plan your travel, check out the Auckland Transport event page https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/events. Children under 5 travel free. Children aged 5 to 15 can travel for free on weekends and public holidays with a registered HOP card. Free weekend fares are applied automatically when you register your AT HOP card with the child's correct date of birth.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
The food and drink outlets at Eden Park are all cashless, so you’ll need to pay by EFTPOS or credit card. This is to speed up transaction times and minimise queues.