More info He pārongo atu anō
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Red-Hot isn’t just a name; it’s a commitment to a Cantina that buzzes with electric energy from lunchtime to late. Formalities dissolve. Boots loosen. Ties unravel.
Beers or margs, burgers or tacos, a taste or a feast. Pop in – Stay a while.
Rosie’s - your Red-Hot Cantina.
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
Located centrally in the Auckland Viaduct, Rosie's is very quick walk from the city centre, and accessible by bus, car and even ferry.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
The Monster Nachoes is insanely large and insanely delicious, with an assortment of goodies all piled inside a giant, buttery taco shell.
Accessibility Huarahi ngāwari
Call ahead to confirm accessibility requirements.